
​Welcome to the NTSB Acquisitions Division. 

Acquisitions is a full service contracting organization -- Contracts, Inter-Agency Agreements (IAAs), Cooperative Agreements, Simplified Acquisitions, and Purchase Card Program. We support the many phases of the procurement cycle including pre- and post-award activities, contract administration, policy, and close-out. The NTSB Acquisitions Division is located at: National Transportation Safety Board Office of Chief Financial Officer Acquisitions Division 490 L'Enfant Plaza East, SW, Suite 4800 Washington DC 20594 (202) 314-6205.   Contracting Opportunities The NTSB Acquisition Division publicizes contractual opportunities at the Government's single point of entry, Click on Agencies and navigate to the National Transportation Safety Board link to learn of business opportunities with the NTSB.

Procurement Links
Acquisition Central
The web site for the federal acquisition community and the government's business partners. From this site you can access shared systems and tools to help you conduct business efficiently. Central Contractor Registration (CCR)

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) oversees and coordinates the Administration's procurement, financial management, information, and regulatory policies. OMB's procurement policies are handled by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP).
