Goal 1: Conduct effective accident investigations |
Number of products adopted by the Board |
Average time (in months) to complete Board-adopted products |
Number of aviation international cooperative activities completed |
Percent of transportation disaster assistance support provided to major aviation and rail accident investigations, as legislated |
Number of outcome-oriented safety results (legislation, federal rule, industry symposium, or lessons learned) involving industry or government stakeholders following outreach efforts |
Goal 2: Recommend and advocate actions to improve transportation safety |
Number of safety recommendations adopted over the last 5 years |
Number of non-traditional methods used to address, and advocate for, safety recommendations |
Percent of Most Wanted List issue areas that are new to the list |
Goal 3: Conduct fair and expeditious adjudication of airman and mariners appeals from the Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. Coast Guard enforcement actions and certificate denials |
Percentage of total cases disposed of during the fiscal year |
Total number of non-emergency enforcement backlog cases |
Goal 4: Provide outstanding mission support |
Obtain an audit opinion on financial statements to ensure records are maintained to the highest level of integrity |
Increase integration of IT solutions into the NTSB's mission and administrative processes |
Obtain positive responses to FISMA, FOIA, and other oversight body reports |
Implement the NTSB Safety and Occupational Health Program |
Develop and implement a Strategic Hiring Plan |
Increase the percentage of employee participation in formal and informal development programs |
Implement diversity and inclusion organizational development activities |