The barge Kokosing V, with crane. (Source: Kokosing Industrial)

​​The barge Kokosing V, with crane. (Source: Kokosing Industrial)

Crane Fire on board Barge Kokosing V

What Happened

On October 4, 2022, about 2230 local time, the spud barge Kokosing V was dredging the James River near Newport News, Virginia, when the dredging crane on board the barge caught fire. The four crewmembers fought the fire unsuccessfully and abandoned the barge to the accompanying tug, Justin. Crews from responding fireboats extinguished the fire later that evening. There were no injuries. The barge and crane held fuel and hydraulic fluid, but no sheen was reported. Damage to the crane was estimated at $1.4 million.​

What We Found

​​We determined that the probable cause of the crane fire on board the spud barge Kokosing V was an undetermined electrical ignition source in the crane’s battery compartment. ​


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