Summary of US Civil Aviation Accidents For Calendar Year 2012

09/15/2014 - Press Release - NTSB Releases Preliminary Aviation Statistics for 2013 General aviation accidents decrease, first fatalities on U.S. airlines and commuters in three years


Table of Accident Summary for Major Segments of US Civil Aviation CY 2012.Welcome to the NTSB's Summary of US Civil Aviation Accidents for Calendar Year 2012. This summary combines information on accidents involving air carriers (regulated by Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Part 121), commuter and on-demand carriers (regulated by 14 CFR Part 135) and general aviation (regulated by 14 CFR Part 91).

Summary data is provided for each of the categories listed in the table to the right.

For 2012, all the sections use data updated on January 13, 2014.

Information on the methods used and the sources of this information.

Part 121

Part 121 Data Spreadsheet in MS Excel format (data updated on January 13, 2014)

This section provides a summary of the activity and experiences of air carriers regulated by Part 121. These operators generally fly large, transport-category aircraft carrying passengers, cargo, or both for hire. The figures in this section use accident categories that were developed by the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST)/International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Common Taxonomy Team (CICTT).

Part 121 Accidents in 2012

Part 121 Accident Data, 2003-2012

Bar Graph Part 121 Accidents 2003-2012.Graph Part 121 Accident Rates 2003-2012. 

Part 121 Accident Severity, 2003-2012

Table Part 121 Accidents by Severity 2003-2012.

NTSB Accident Severity Categories, 2003-2012

The aircraft was destroyed, OR
There were multiple fatalities, OR
There was one fatality AND substantial damage to the aircraft.


A single fatality without substantial damage to the aircraft, OR
At least one serious injury AND the aircraft was substantially damaged.


Non-fatal accident with at least one serious injury but no substantial damage to the aircraft.


No person was killed or seriously injured, but the aircraft was substantially damaged.


Defining Events and Phases of Flight for Part 121 Accidents in 2012

International Civil Aviation Organization Code Definitions:
(From the Official Website for Aviation Common Taxonomies)
Defining Event (Occurrence Category)
Phase of Flight

Bar Graph Part 121 Defining Event for Accidents 2003-2012.Bar Graph Part 121 Phase of Flight Accidents 2003-2012. 

Part 121 Activity Data, 2003-2012

Source: FAA

Graph Part 121 Flight Hours 2003-2012.Graph Part 121 Departures 2003-2012 

Graph Part 121 Passenger Enplanements 2003-2012. 


Part 135

Part 135 Data Spreadsheet in MS Excel format (data updated on January 13, 2014)

Title 14 CFR Part 135 governs the operation of certain aircraft with fewer than 10 passenger seats operating scheduled commuter services as well as aircraft operating on-demand passenger or cargo services.

Part 135 Accidents in 2012

Part 135 Scheduled Operations Accident Data, 2003-2012

Bar Graph Scheduled Part 135 Accidents 2003-2012.Graph Scheduled Part 135 Accident Rates 2003-2012. 

Part 135 Non-Scheduled Operations Activity Data, 2003-2012

Source: FAA General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey

Graph On-Demantd Part 135 Flight Hours 2003-2012. 

Part 135 Non-Scheduled Operations Accident Data, 2003-2012

Bar Graph On-Demand Part 135 Accidents Fixed Wing 2003-2012.Bar Graph On-Demand Part 135 Accidents Helicopter 2003-2012.. 

Part 135 Non-Scheduled Operations Accident Rates, 2003-2012

Graph On-Demand Part 135 Accident Rates Fixed Wing 2003-2012.Graph On-Demand Part 135 Accident Rates Helicopters 2003-2012. 

Defining Events and Phases of Flight for Part 135 Non-Scheduled Operations Accidents in 2012

International Civil Aviation Organization Code Definitions:
(From the Official Website for Aviation Common Taxonomies)
Defining Event (Occurrence Category)
Phase of Flight

Bar Graph Defining Event On-Demand Part 135 Accidents Fixed Wing 2003-2012.Bar Graph Phase of Flight for On-Demand Part 135 Accidents Fixed-Wing 2003-2012. 

Bar Graph Defining Event On-Demand Part 135 Accidents Helicopter 2003-2012.Bar Graph Phase of Flight for On-Demand Part 135 Accidents Helicopter 2003-2012. 

Part 135 Scheduled Operations Activity Data, 2003-2012

Source: FAA

Graph Scheduled Part 135 Flight Hours 2003-2012.Graph Scheduled Part 135 Departures 2003-2012. 


General Aviation

General Aviation Data Spreadsheet in MS Excel format (data updated on January 13, 2014)

General aviation is the umbrella term for any operation that is not governed by Parts 121, 135, or 129. General aviation covers a wide range of operations and aircraft, from powered parachutes and light-sport aircraft to turboprops and jets used for a variety of flying. In addition, general aviation includes some types of commercial activities.

General Aviation Accidents in 2012


General Aviation Accident Data, 2003-2012

Bar Graph Gerneral Aviation Accidents 2003-2012.Gerneral Aviation Accident Rates 2003-2012. 

Purpose of Flight and Aircraft Category for General Aviation Accidents, 2012

Table General Aviation Accident Aircraft by Flight Purpose and Aircraft Category 2012  

General Aviation Personal Flying Operations

Personal Flying Hours, 2003-2012.Bar Graph Personal Flying Accidents, 2003-2012 

Personal Flying Accident Rates, 2003-2012 

Personal Flying Accident Rates, 2003-2012Phase of Flight for Personal Flying Accidents, 2012. 

General Aviation Activity Data, 2003-2012

Chart General Aviation Flight Hours 2003-2012. 

Source: FAA General Aviation and Part 135 Activity Survey


Aviation Summary Index

Data Spreadsheets (MS Excel)

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