Accordion Content 2
<a href="">P-21-004 to State of Texas Railroad Commission</a>: With assistance from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, conduct a comprehensive audit of Atmos Energy Corporation’s incident-reporting practices; policies and procedures for responding to leaks, fires, explosions, and emergency calls; and integrity management programs.<br/><p></p><p>
<a href="">P-21-011 to ATMOS Every Corporation</a>: Revise policies and procedures for responding to leaks, fires, explosions, and emergency calls to address the challenges caused by wet weather conditions. The revised policies and procedures should include: </p><ol><li>leak investigation methods that are reliable in wet weather; </li><li>leak investigation procedures that assess all viable gas migration paths;</li><li>criteria for when to shut down or isolate gas distribution systems and pressure test main and service lines; and </li><li>an alternate safe response such as evacuation when reliable leak investigations are not possible due to wet weather or other circumstances. </li></ol><p>
<a href="">P-21-013 to American Gas Association and Gas Piping Technology Committee</a>: Develop additional guidance that identifies steps gas distribution operators can take to safely respond to leaks, fires, explosions, and emergency calls, considering the limitations due to wet weather conditions, that includes: </p><p></p><ol><li>criteria for when to shut down or isolate gas distribution systems, pres sure test main and service lines, and begin evacuations; </li><li>leak investigation methods that are reliable in wet weather, </li><li>require an alternate safe response, such as an evacuation when reliable leak investigations are not possible due to wet weather, and </li><li>leak investigations that assess all viable gas migration paths, including granular backfill and crawlspaces.<br/><br/></li></ol> <a href="">P-19-08 to Gas Technology Institute<strong></strong></a>: In coordination with the National Fire Protection Association and the International Code Council, work to develop standards for methane detection systems for all types of residential occupancies in both the International Fuel Gas Code and the National Fuel Gas Code, National Fire Protection Association 54. At a minimum, the provisions should cover the installation, maintenance, placement of the detectors, and testing requirements.
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