Investigative Offices

​​​​​​Investigations are carried out by staff from one of the modal offices, with technical assistance from the Office of Research and Engineering.​

​​​​Office of Aviation Safety

The Office of Aviation Safety has the responsibility for investigating domestic aviation accidents and incidents and participates in the investigation of major airline crashes in foreign countries that involve U.S. carriers or U.S.-manufactured or -designed equipment to fulfill U.S. obligations under International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) agreements

Office of Highway Safety

The Office of Highway Safety​ investigates significant crashes likely to impact the public's confidence in highway transportation safety, generate high public interest, or highlight national safety issues. Investigators examine accidents involving issues with wide-ranging safety significance, such as collapses of highway bridge or tunnel structures, fatalities on public transportation vehicles​, and collisions at highway/rail grade crossings.

Office of Marine Safety

The Office of Marine Safety​​ ​​investigates marine casualties to determine the probable cause of each casualty and identify safety recommendations that will prevent similar events in the future. It also actively participates in US-ba​​sed and international groups to improve marine investigations and promote maritime safety.​

Office of Railroad, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Investigations

The Office of​ Railroad, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Investigations​ investigates accidents involving railroads, pipelines, and the transportation of hazardous materials.


Office of Research & Engineering

​​​The Office of Research and Engineering​ provides scientific and technical expertise for NTSB accident investigations in all modes of transportation. The office also conducts safety research, generates periodic statistical reviews of aviation accidents, and provides medical and toxicology expertise for investigations.
