Acquisition Division

The Acquisition Division manages the agency's acquisition program and provides best value business solutions that support the NTSB mission. The Acquisition ​Division is a full-service acquisition organization that awards and administers contracts and agreements and provides customers essential acquisition guidance and training.​​​​

​Our contact information:

National Transportation Safety Board
Office of Chief Financial Officer​​
​Acquisition Division
490 L'Enfant Plaza, SW
Washington, DC 20594
(202) 314-6205

P. Matt Hazlinsky
Chief, Acquisition Division

Prospective Contractors

​To do business with the NTSB, contractors must be actively registered with the Federal Contractor Registry. As a prospective contractor, you

  • may send your company's literature to either the physical or email address listed on this page.
  • are welcome to contact us for questions regarding the NTSB acquisition program.​​

S​cam Warning:
Be aware of an increase in scam emails containing fake RFQs and contracts.

We have been notified that a 3rd party is impersonating an NTSB employee and sending out fake Requests for Quotes (RFQ) and contracts. These emails may appear to be coming from a valid NTSB email address and use names such as NTSB Finance, Angela Roders, and Christopher Blumberg. The RFQs and contracts have been for various IT and A/V products. If you receive an RFQ or contract from an NTSB email containing the names mentioned above, do not engage and contact the Acquisition Division to verify the validity of the document(s).

​If you question the validity of an NTSB RFQ or contract, please contact Matt Hazlinsky (202-314-6205) or Bryan Moy (202-314-6282). 

NTSB Business Opportunities​

​​​The NTSB publicizes notices of proposed contract actions as specified in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 5

Proposed contract actions expected to exceed $15,000 but not expected to exceed $25,000.​ ​

​We are using this website for the purpose of displaying in a public place proposed contract actions expected to exceed $15,000 but not expected to exceed $25,000 In accordance with FAR 5.101(a)(2).

You may direct questions related to specific proposed contract actions to us using the contact information listed on this page.​

To view proposed contract actions expected to exceed $25,000, visit the Federal Bus​iness Opportunities​ website​.​​​

  Updated March 11, 2025    ​
