Korean Air Lines, McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30, HL7339 Southcentral Air Piper PA-31-350, N35206

What Happened

​At 1404 Yukon standard time on December 23, 1983, Korean AirLines Flight 084 , a scheduled cargo flight from Anchorage, Alaska to Los Angeles, California, collided head-on with SouthCentral Air Flight 59, a scheduled commuter flight from Anchorage to Kenai, Alaska on runway 6L-24R at Anchorage International Airport.  Both flights had filed instrument flight rules flight plans, and instrument metteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident.  The SouthCentral Air Piper PA-31-350 was destroyed by the collision impact, and the Korean Air Lines McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 was destroyed by impact and postimpact fire.  Of the eight passengers aboard flight 59, three were slightly injured.  The pilot was not injured.  The three crewmembers oon Flight 084 sustained serious injuries. 

What We Found

​We determined the probable cause of the accident were the failure of the pilot of Korean Air Lines Flight 084 to follow accepted procedures during taxi, which caused him to become disoriented while selecting the runway; the failure of the pilot to use compass to confirm his position; and the decision of the pilot to take off when he was unsure that the aircraft was positioned on the currect runway.  Contributing to the accudent was the fog, which reduced visibility to a point that the pilot could not ascertain his position visually and the control tower personnel could not assist the pilot.  Also contributing to the accident was a lack of legible taxiway and runaway signs at several instersectionss passed by Flight 084 while it was taxiing.  

What We Recommended

​​As a result of the investigation, we issued recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration.


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