Damaged trolley and CSX track

​Damaged trolley and CSX track.​​

CSX Transportation Freight Train and Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Trolley Collision

What Happened

On December 9, 2021, about 8:25 a.m. local time, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority trolley 9070 was struck by CSX Transportation freight train I03309 at the Darby Diamond highway-railroad grade crossing near Main Street and 6th Street in Darby, Pennsylvania. The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority trolley was stopped on the eastbound track of trolley route 11 and fouling the CSX mainline track when it was struck by the westbound CSX freight train resulting in five trolley passengers, the trolley operator, and the CSX train engineer being transported to local medical facilities with non-life-threatening injuries.​​

What We Found

​We ​determined that the probable cause of the December 9, 2021, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority trolley 9070 collision with CSX Transportation freight train I03309 was the trolley operator stopping the trolley within the foul of the CSX track using the emergency brake.


