Commuter Category Airline Safety

The following transportation safety issue was previously on the NTSB’s Most Wanted List.  As a result of the actions taken to implement the necessary life-saving safety recommendations…We are Safer.

Commuter Category Airline Safety

Prompted by a series of accidents that highlighted weaknesses in the commuter airline industry and the fact that accident rates for commuter airlines were twice as high as the rates for domestic Part 121 airlines, in 1994, the NTSB initiated a safety study to examine the standards and practices of the commuter airline industry, with particular emphasis on areas where differences occurred between the regulatory standards for Part 135 and Part 121 operations.  This study led to a series of safety recommendations addressing, among other factors, the differences in regulatory standards, methods for calculating flight time, and flight crew training.  The Board subsequently placed three safety recommendations on the Most Wanted List in 1995.

In December 2005, the FAA published its final rule, Air Carrier and Commercial Operator Training Programs, which addressed the Most Wanted List recommendations by bringing scheduled passenger operations under the requirements of Part 121.

More Implemented Safety Issues

arrow Commuter Category Airline Safety

Improve Crew Resource Management

Wake Vortex Turbulence

Explosive Mixtures in Fuel Tanks on Transport Category Aircraft

Airplane Cargo Compartment Fires

Small Passenger Vessel Safety

Pipeline Fatigue

Marine Post-Accident Drug/Alcohol Testing


