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We Are Safer

The following transportation safety issue was previously on the NTSB’s Most Wanted List.  As a result of the actions taken to implement the necessary life-saving safety recommendations…We are Safer.

Small Passenger Vessel Safety

Over a 4-year period in the mid-1990s, the NTSB included Small Passenger Vessel Safety on its Most Wanted List.  The issue area applied to vessels 200 feet long or less, operating closer to shore than cruise ships, and most having no overnight accommodations.  Although not all safety recommendations were addressed, Small Passenger Vessel Safety significantly improved when the U.S. Coast Guard established regulations that required comprehensive crew training in emergency procedures and accurate passenger manifests left ashore before departure or an accurate passenger count for short routes.  In addition, the Passenger Vessel Association developed and provided to its members crew emergency procedures/standards that included pre-incident planning for a variety of shipboard emergencies and agreed that its members would routinely provide pre-departure emergency safety orientations.

More Implemented Safety Issues

Commuter Category Airline Safety

Improve Crew Resource Management

Wake Vortex Turbulence

Explosive Mixtures in Fuel Tanks on Transport Category Aircraft

Airplane Cargo Compartment Fires

arrow Small Passenger Vessel Safety

Pipeline Fatigue

Marine Post-Accident Drug/Alcohol Testing


