Aviation Accident Database & Synopses

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The NTSB aviation accident database contains information from 1962 and later about civil aviation accidents and selected incidents within the United States, its territories and possessions, and in international waters. Generally, a preliminary report is available online within a few days of an accident. Factual information is added when available, and when the investigation is completed, the preliminary report is replaced with a final description of the accident and its probable cause. Full narrative descriptions may not be available for dates before 1993, cases under revision, or where NTSB did not have primary investigative responsibility.

  • Monthly lists - accidents sorted by date, updated daily.
  • Downloadable datasets - one complete dataset for each year beginning from 1982, updated monthly in Microsoft Access 2000 MDB format; this site also provides weekly "change" updates and complete documentation.
  • GILS record - complete description of the accident database, including definition of "accident" and "incident".
  • FAA incident database - complete information about incidents, including those not investigated by NTSB, is provided by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Accident/Incident Information




NTSB Status

Event Details

Location information available for most cases in the United States since 2002. Refer to query help for limitations of location information.

within miles


  • On Jan. 8, 2001, dynamic access to the accident data repository was implemented. Static files are no longer available.
  • On Oct. 2, 2001, minor cases which do not fall under the definition of "accident" or "incident" were removed from the database; these entries were previously identified with "SA" in the accident number.
  • On Sept. 18, 2002, data from 1962-1982 were added to the aviation accident information. The format and type of data contained in the earlier briefs may differ from later reports.

** - Do not use these fields as selection parameters if your date range includes pre-1982 dates, as they did not exist prior to 1982 and their use may falsely limit the data returned.
