The Office of the Managing Director (MD) assists the Chair in carrying out the functions as executive and administrative head of the NTSB. The office:
- coordinates the activities of the entire NTSB staff;
- is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the agency; and
- recommends and develops plans to achieve operating plan objectives.
- manages volunteer activities,
- handles interagency coordination, Executive Leadership participation, and other miscellaneous responsibilities.
The Managing Director is responsible for the overall leadership, direction and performance of the agency, as well as internal communications and organizational efficiency. The MD includes the following:
The Special Operations Division
Special Operations is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support the NTSB mission. The division coordinates NTSB investigations with numerous local, county and state public safety agencies and manages the NTSB’s Response Operation Center (ROC), which is staffed by watch officers 24 hours a day.
The Transportation Disaster Assistance Division (TDA)
TDA helps disaster victims from all modes of transportation. Under the Aviation Disaster Family Assistance Act of 1996 (and subsequent legislation), TDA coordinates resources of the Federal Government, state and local government, volunteer organizations, and the air carrier to meet the needs of aviation disaster victims and their families.
The Executive Secretariat Division
Staff are responsible for the notation process and quality assurance, correspondence management, and modal office product coordination.
The Safety Division
Staff are responsible for ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local statutory and regulatory mandates, guidelines, standards and procedures and ensuring safe working conditions for NTSB employees (office and at on scene investigations). This includes planning, implementing, and evaluating the NTSB occupational safety and health program to reduce the potential for human and economic losses associated with incidents and accidents. The Division is also responsible for:
- providing safety training to improve competencies of the NTSB workforce;
- implementing enforcement programs for employee health and safety; and
- conducting oversight inspections and reviews of NTSB offices and space.
The Chief Data Officer
The chief data officer supports the agency-wide effort to better utilize data for strategic decision-making and is designated the agency’s chief data officer as required by the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018. The chief data officer is also responsible for the application of machine learning and advanced data science methods and techniques to support agency investigations and research, analysis, and reporting of emerging transportation safety trends.
Administrative Operations and Security Division
The Administrative Operations and Security Division supports the NTSB’s facilities and building management program, including (but not limited to) the following functions: security, property management, space management, facilities and equipment maintenance, mail services, and transportation.
The following major offices report to the MD:
- Aviation Safety
- Highway Safety
- Marine Safety
- Railroad, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Investigations
- Research and Engineering
- Office of Administration
- Chief Information Officer
- Administrative Law Judges