On May 24, 2011, about 3:35 a.m. eastern daylight time northbound CSX Transportation (CSX) freight train Q19423 (striking train) was traveling about 48 mph on a single main track when it struck the rear of northbound CSX freight train Q61822 (struck train), which was stopped on the track near Mineral Springs, North Carolina. The struck train was stopped at a red signal, located at milepost (MP) 313.7 near Mineral Springs, waiting for another northbound train (train 616) on the track ahead to proceed . The accident occurred at MP 314 on the CSX Florence Division, Monroe Subdivision.
In the accident, two locomotives and the first nine cars of the striking train and the last four cars of the struck train derailed. The two crewmembers of the striking train were fatally injured ; the two crewmembers of the struck tra in were treated for minor injuries. Property damage was estimated to be $1.6 million.
We dermined that the probable cause of the accident was the failure of the striking train crew to comply with the speed restriction required when they encountered a dark signal. Contributing to the accident was the lack of a positive train control system that could have prevented the accident.