NTSB Goals and Strategic Objectives

Performance Measure Type Measure Name Office FY11 Results FY12 Target FY12 Results FY13 Target
Strategic Goal #1
Conduct effective accident investigations
Objective 1.1 Select and scale an appropriate response to accident investigations and incidents
Output Number of products adopted by the Board AS 8 6 22 17
HS 4 4 9 7
MS 7 3 4 3
RE N/A 2 2 2
RPH 8 5 13 4
Efficiency Average time (in months) to complete Board adopted products AS 25 18 3.64 18
HS 19 18 8 18
MS 15 18 10.3 18
RE N/A 18 9 18
RPH 7 18 12 18
Objective 1.2 Increase the recognition of the NTSB's role for investigating international aviation accidents
Output Number of aviation international cooperative activities completed AS N/A N/A N/A 8
Objective 1.3 Continue to effectively coordinate and deliver Transportation Disaster Assistance (TDA) to accident victims
Outcome Percent of transportation disaster assistance support provided to major aviation and rail accident investigations as legislated OC N/A N/A N/A 100%
Objective 1.4 Engage in outreach with transportation community to improve awareness of lessons learned from accident investigations nationally and internationally
Outcome Number of outcome-oriented safety results (legislation, federal rule, industry symposium or lessons learned) involving industry or government stakeholders following outreach efforts AS 4 4 20 12
HS 2 4 6 4
MS 2 2 2 2
RE 11 2 4 2
RPH 4 3 5 4
Strategic Goal #2
Recommend and advocate actions to improve transportation safety
Objective 2.1 Identify new and creative ways to advocate safety recommendations and other safety actions
Output Number of safety recommendations adopted over the last five years MD N/A N/A N/A Baseline
Output Number of non-traditional methods used to address and advocate safety recommendations MD/OC N/A N/A N/A Baseline
Objective 2.2 Maintain and advocate items on the Most Wanted List
Output Percent of Most Wanted list issue areas that are new to the list OC N/A N/A N/A Baseline
Strategic Goal #3
Conduct fair and expeditious adjudication of airman and mariners appeals from the Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. Coast Guard enforcement actions and certificate denials
Objective 3.1 Effectively manage the appeals process and appropriately protect the rights of airmen and mariners seeking the NTSB's review while balancing their interests with considerations of aviation and marine safety
Outcome Percentage of total cases disposed of during the fiscal year ALJ 75% 65% 75% 70%
Output Total number of non-emergency enforcement backlog cases on hand GC N/A N/A 14 30
Strategic Goal #4
Provide outstanding mission support
Objective 4.1 Maintain efficiency in utilizing agency resources
Outcome Obtain audit opinion on financial statements to ensure records are maintained to the highest level of integrity CFO Yes Yes Yes Yes
Efficiency Increase integration of IT solutions into the NTSB's mission and administrative processes CIO N/A 10 13 10
Outcome Obtain positive response to FISMA, FOIA and other oversight body reports CFO Yes Yes Yes Yes
Outcome Implement the NTSB Safety and Occupational Health Program AD N/A Develop program Developed Phase 1 Implement Phase 1
Objective 4.2 Align and improve human capital planning and diversity
Outcome Develop and implement a Strategic Hiring Plan AD N/A N/A Developed Plan Implement Plan
Outcome Increase the percentage of employee participation in formal and informal development programs AD/
N/A N/A N/A Baseline
Outcome Implement diversity and inclusion organizational development activities EEODI N/A N/A N/A Baseline

