Aviation Statistical Reports - Table 12

Air Carrier Occurrences Involving Illegal Acts
(Sabotage, Suicide, or Terrorism), 1992 through 2011
Date Location Operator Fatalities
Total Aboard
Scheduled 14 CFR 121
4/7/1994 Memphis, TN Federal Express 0 0
9/11/2001 New York, NY American Airlines   92
9/11/2001 New York, NY United Airlines    65
9/11/2001 Arlington, VA American Airlines   64
9/11/2001 Shanksville, PA United Airlines 44 44
Scheduled 14 CFR 135
4/17/1992 Lexington, KY Mesaba Airlines 0 0


  • Other than the persons aboard aircraft who were killed, fatalities resulting from the September 11, 2001 terrorist acts are excluded from this table.
